How to get Stalker Teeth in Subnautica

How to Obtain Stalker Teeth in Subnautica

Enameled Glass is a valuable crafting material in Subnautica. However, acquiring the necessary component, Stalker Teeth, can be a challenging and intimidating task. Fortunately, there are strategies to make this process easier and more efficient. Here’s a guide on how to obtain Stalker Teeth in Subnautica.

1. Where to Find Stalker Teeth

As the name suggests, Stalker Teeth are obtained from Stalkers, a type of shark-like creature found in the Kelp Forest biomes. These creatures are known for their aggressive behavior and long snouts.

A Stalker in the ocean, probably pissed about something. Screenshot by PC Invasion

2. Methods to Obtain Stalker Teeth

Obtaining Stalker Teeth can be a tedious process since killing the Stalkers does not yield the desired material. Here are some methods to increase your chances of obtaining Stalker Teeth:

  • Explore the Kelp Forest biome, preferably during nighttime with a flashlight, to easily spot Stalker Teeth lying around.
  • Collect metal salvages and drop them near Stalkers. Stalkers have a tendency to play with the metal, causing their teeth to fall out in the process. To maximize your chances, utilize a Grav Trap to hold the Stalkers near the salvages, increasing the likelihood of them losing teeth on the metal pieces.
  • Allow Stalkers to attack a Camera Drone or your Seamoth. Alternatively, you can also collide with them using your Seamoth or use the Prawn Suit to punch them. However, these methods may risk killing the Stalker in the process. A safer approach is to use the Propulsion Cannon to throw objects at them, which is less likely to result in their death while still potentially dislodging their teeth.

Stalker Tooth

Case in point, several Stalker teeth visible on the ground next to metal salvages. Screenshot by PC Invasion

3. Safety Precautions

Regardless of the method you choose, it is advisable to carry first aid kits with you to treat any injuries caused by the Stalkers. These creatures bite fiercely and can inflict considerable damage.