Patch 7.34 First Impressions – DOTABUFF

The translated patch notes for version 7.34 have been released, allowing us to analyze the major changes that have been introduced. Instead of going through each individual hero, we will focus on our initial thoughts and concerns about the previous patch and determine if they have been addressed in 7.34.

Nullifier Changes

One out of three issues has been addressed in this patch. Nullifier can no longer penetrate spell immunity, which gives late-game heroes like Ursa and Bloodseeker a chance to shine. This change is a welcome addition and should mix up the carry meta by bringing back self-buff heroes.

Linken’s Sphere Nerf

However, Linken’s Sphere has been further nerfed, which is a bit unexpected. In recent big tournaments, teams have been stacking multiple layers of Linken’s on a single hero to prevent initiations. While this change solves that issue, we don’t believe Linken’s was a problematic item itself – it is simply too powerful on Universal heroes. Speaking of which, these heroes have largely remained untouched in the patch, making them continue to dominate the meta.

Broodmother and Medusa Nerfs

Broodmother has received nerfs in previous patches, but it is still a strong Universal hero. The latest changes weaken her laning stage, especially in matchups where players avoid trading blows with her when she has Insatiable Hunger activated. Although Medusa has also been slightly nerfed over the past month, with the buffs given to other carry heroes in 7.34, we don’t anticipate her being as problematic as before.

Meepo, Arc Warden, and Illusion Heroes

Some heroes didn’t receive specific mentions in the patch notes but find themselves in a weaker state. Meepo and Arc Warden have been significantly affected, although this is good news for everyone except for dedicated players of those heroes. Illusion heroes have also been universally nerfed due to changes in items, which may require further adjustments in the future.

Dazzle’s Viability

Dazzle has improved somewhat and can now be considered a viable character. However, he is still far from being a top-tier or meta-defining pick. There may be potential for him to work as a core since he is a Universal hero, but for now, support players should explore other options that offer more benefits.

Spectre and Wraith King Changes

Spectre receives interesting buffs in this patch, allowing her to be more proactive in teamfights in a meta that focuses on such engagements. With some adjustments in itemization, Spectre could become one of the strongest threats in the game, prioritizing Yasha into Diffusal Blade into Manta Style for more reliable support kills. Wraith King has also received a significant buff to his laning stage, which may not affect talent choices regarding the Skeleton Army’s priority in teamfights, but will undoubtedly make a difference in the laning phase.

Addressing Concerns and Buffing Neglected Heroes

This patch has addressed some of our concerns while also buffing several heroes who have been overlooked. However, with so many variables in play, it is still too early to determine if the decision to leave Universal heroes untouched is the right one. Perhaps non-Universal carry heroes will find their place in the meta, as many of them have received substantial buffs. Our slight fear is that supports may struggle in the new patch due to the core and DPS power creep. Spectre’s global presence, Phantom Assassin’s increased crit rate, and Wraith King’s stacked Desolator make it undeniably harder to play as a support. Hopefully, the next patch will bring a power creep for support items to balance things out. At the very least, considering an increase in cast range for items like Glimmer Cape and Force Staff to 600+ could be a potential solution.