Don’t Starve Together – What to Do With Monster Meat

In Don’t Starve Together, Monster Meat is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways to address hunger and other needs. While it may have negative effects on sanity and health when consumed, there are several ways to make the most out of Monster Meat.

What to Do with Monster Meat in Don’t Starve Together

Monster Meat is a food item in Don’t Starve Together that restores hunger by 18.75. However, consuming it also leads to a reduction of 15 sanity points and 20 health, making it less desirable for direct consumption.

Nevertheless, there are alternative options to maximize its usefulness:

1. Use as a Meat Ingredient for Cooking

By incorporating Monster Meat into various recipes, you can create dishes that not only satisfy hunger but also provide health and sanity benefits. Some recommended recipes include:

  • Meatball: Combine 1 Monster Meat with 3 fillers such as mushrooms, berries, ice, carrots, or kelp fronds.
  • Meaty Stew: Options include combining 1 Meat, 1 Monster Meat, and 2 Morsels or 2 Meat, 1 Monster Meat, and 1 filler (e.g., carrots, eggs, ice, or kelp fronds).
  • Honey Nuggets: Create this dish using 1 Monster Meat, 1 Honey, and 2 fillers (e.g., mushrooms, berries, honey, ice, etc.).
  • Honey Ham: Variations include combining 1 Monster Meat, 2 Morsels, and 1 Honey or 1 Monster Meat, 1 Meat, 1 Honey, and 1 filler (e.g., honey, ice, berries, etc.).
  • Fishsticks: Cook 1 Fish, 1 Twig, and 2 Monster Meat together to make this dish.

If you do not have a bee farm yet, it is recommended to prioritize cooking Meatballs for hunger and Fishsticks for health.

2. Trade for Eggs and Gold Nuggets

In Don’t Starve Together, you can trade all variants of Monster Meat (raw, cooked, and dried) to a caged bird in exchange for Eggs at a 1:1 ratio. These eggs can then be used to prepare dishes such as Pierogi (made with 1 Monster Meat, 1 Egg, 1 Vegetable, and 1 filler) or Bacon & Eggs (made with 1 Monster Meat, 1 Meat or Morsel, and 2 Eggs).

Alternatively, if you dry Monster Meat on a Drying Rack for 1 day, it becomes Monster Jerky. This can be given to the Pigking in exchange for Gold Nuggets at a 1:1 ratio.

3. Use to Obtain Other Materials

If you have already secured enough food and gold, raw Monster Meat can be left to rot after 6 days, resulting in the creation of Rot (without storing it in an Ice Box). Rots can be used as a valuable resource for crafting items such as Booster Shots and fertilizing plants. Additionally, feeding a Pig 1 Monster Meat will establish a friendly relationship, while providing 4 Monster Meat will transform it into a Werepig, dropping 2 Meat and 1 Pig Skin upon death.

4. Additional Uses

In Don’t Starve Together, there are four characters who can utilize Monster Meat without or with minimal penalties:

  • Walter: Has the ability to feed Monster Meat to his companion Woby, transforming it into a larger version that can be ridden like a Beefalo.
  • Woodie: All of Woodie’s Kitschy Idols require Monster Meat for crafting. It is advisable to save some Monster Meat to utilize the abilities of different powerful monsters.
  • Webber: As a monster character, Webber can consume Monster Meat to restore hunger without any drawbacks.
  • Wormwood: Similar to Webber, Wormwood can consume Monster Meat for hunger restoration, although it does result in a decrease in sanity.

In situations where there are no alternative food sources available, Monster Jerky can be eaten to regain some hunger. In such cases, it is essential to prioritize healing and maintaining sanity to ensure survival in the Constant world.

These are the ways to make the most of Monster Meat in Don’t Starve Together!

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