7.34b First Trends – DOTABUFF

New Trends in Dota 2 Patch 7.34b

After the recent adjustments to Dota 2, the game has seen the rise of new heroes and the necessary nerfs to overpowered characters. In this article, we will shed light on some underrated heroes that deserve your attention.

Hero Spotlight: Easier Stuns

In patch 7.34b, one hero that has significantly improved is the support hero with an easy-to-use stun. The stun duration has increased by 0.3 seconds, which may seem insignificant, but it can make a big difference in late-game situations. Additionally, when paired with the shard, this hero can stun two targets at once. With a low cooldown at level fifteen, she proves to be a formidable support with saving capabilities, damage mitigation, and crowd control.

Warlock: The Sustained Support

Previously overshadowed by Witch Doctor, Warlock has become one of the best sustain fives in the game. While he received some minor negative adjustments in the 7.34b patch, Warlock remains a powerful support. Updated gameplay strategies suggest leaving Shadow Word at one point past the laning stage instead of two, prioritizing Fatal Bonds for maximum teamfight potential. Purchasing Aghanim’s Shard is also recommended to enhance Warlock’s teamfight presence without relying solely on his ultimate ability.

Nature’s Prophet: Improved Laning Stage

Nature’s Prophet, another valuable support, received a significant buff to his laning stage. The guaranteed extra movement speed from Nature’s Guise through Nature’s Grasp makes a noticeable difference, especially after the changes to tree placements. This update allows for new ways to build the hero, with a resurgence in maximizing Living Armor. For high-level pubs, a 1-2-0-0 build by level three and a 1-2-4-1 build by level eight have become the default progression.

Spectre’s Tempo Boost

Following our initial impressions, Spectre has emerged as one of the top 10 most successful heroes in the current patch. While her powerful late game remains intact, the recent buffs have significantly increased her tempo, enabling her to be impactful earlier in the game. However, it’s important to note that Spectre tends to taper off in high-level pubs due to her slower nature, especially when countered by heroes like Phantom Assassin. Nevertheless, she remains a fun hero to play with on a team and a frustrating opponent for supports.

The International and Patch 7.34

It seems that Patch 7.34 will be the version played at The International, and it has proven to be a worthy choice. With no heroes having win rates exceeding 55% and only a few underpowered heroes, it strikes a better balance. As we continue to observe the ongoing qualifiers, we’ll keep an eye out for emerging trends. Feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below.