How to fix stuttering on PC in Starfield

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Are you frustrated because your PC isn’t running Starfield the way you want it to? Even with top-of-the-line hardware, you may still encounter low FPS and stuttering issues. But don’t worry, these problems are common, and we’ve got some solutions for you. Here’s how you can fix stuttering on your PC in Starfield.

Starfield: How to Fix Stuttering and Performance Issues on PC

If you’ve been experiencing annoying stuttering and performance drops while playing Starfield on your PC, we’ve got you covered. We have a few solutions that can help you fix these issues and improve your FPS. Let’s dive in and find out how to get rid of stuttering in Starfield.

1. Lower the Graphics Setting in Starfield

If your PC is struggling to handle the game on high settings, lowering the graphics quality can make a significant difference. Here’s how:

Head to the Display settings in the game. You’ll find a list of toggles that you can adjust. You can either change the overall graphic quality or customize individual settings. We recommend keeping the game on medium to low settings. Also, settings like Motion Blur, Crowd Density, and Vsync can impact your frame rate. Turning Vsync on may help, while turning off Motion Blur and lowering Crowd Density can also improve performance.

2. Keep Your Drivers Updated

Out-of-date graphics drivers can have a significant impact on how games run. Make sure to keep your GPU drivers up to date. If you have an NVIDIA GPU, you can use the GeForce Experience application to easily update your GPU. For AMD GPU users:

  1. Search for Device Manager in Windows.
  2. Look under ‘Display adaptors’.
  3. Right-click on your GPU and select ‘Update driver’.

Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t always notify you about the latest GPU updates. You can visit the AMD Drivers and Support website to find and download the proper update for your GPU.

3. Set Starfield Priority to High

If the previous solutions didn’t work, you can allocate more resources to Starfield to improve its performance. Here’s how:

  1. Open Task Manager.
  2. Go to the ‘Details’ tab.
  3. Right-click on Starfield.
  4. Click on ‘High’ under ‘Select priority’.

4. Install Starfield on an SSD

Some modern games perform poorly when installed on hard drives. It’s recommended to install Starfield on an SSD for optimal performance. SSDs are designed to handle high-powered games better than HDDs. Make sure you have an SSD and install Starfield on it.

Starfield is available on Steam.