Starfield: How To Disable Turrets

How to Disable Turrets in Starfield

If you’re starting out in Starfield and looking for the most annoying enemies to deal with, Turrets are exactly what you’re thinking about. Disabling them is the key to overcome these tricky ballistic and laser defenses. Once detected, Turrets will unleash their firepower on you, causing extensive damage. So if you want to take down these metallic defenses first, follow this guide to learn how to deactivate them. Stick around to find out how you can turn the tables and use them against your enemies to have some fun in Starfield.

How to Deactivate Turrets in Starfield

how to deactivate turrets in starfield

To deactivate the Turrets in Starfield, you’ll need to locate a nearby Computer Console. You can find it not far from the turret itself. However, be cautious of your surroundings as other enemies will also attack you. Utilize your stealth skill to sneak around and search for the computer. Once you come across it, interact with it by pressing the A button on the controller or press E on the keyboard. This will open up the Remote Robot Control interface where you will find two options. Choose the Deactivate Unit(s) option in Starfield to disable them.

If you’re interested in turning the tables and using the ballistic defenses against your enemies, you can select the Update Friends/Foe Setting option. This will allow you to utilize the turrets to your advantage. Another option to disable the turrets is to outright destroy them in Starfield. You can bombard them with all the ammunition you have and obliterate them in the game. Keep in mind that the turrets will deal extensive damage to you and your companions when destroyed. To maximize your damage to turrets, we recommend unlocking the Robotics skill from the Tech Skills Tree in Starfield.

That’s everything you need to know about how to disable Turrets in Starfield. If you found this guide useful, feel free to check out our other guides on Gamer Tweak, such as how to increase carrying capacity and how to cook in Starfield.