Niantic gives 8th Wall developers new AI tools | Pocket

Generative AI Comes to Niantic’s 8th Wall Platform

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a major focus in the gaming industry this year, and now Niantic is taking it a step further by introducing generative AI tools to its 8th Wall platform. This update will provide developers with even more capabilities and streamline the development process.

Expanding Opportunities with AI

Niantic acquired 8th Wall 18 months ago to enhance its Lightship technology and tools. The 8th Wall platform empowers developers to create real-world AR metaverses and equips them with the necessary tools to bring these experiences to life. With the addition of generative AI tools, development processes become more efficient and user-friendly.

GamesBeat reports that the integration modules from 8th Wall and Inworld AI have been included in this update. These modules are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing AI technology. For instance, developers can now utilize 8th Wall’s OpenAI to easily incorporate ChatGPT for item generation.

It’s worth noting that Niantic is not the only major player in the gaming industry exploring the potential of generative AI. Roblox, for example, has already started rolling out AI technology to its creators and has seen promising results.

Sample Projects Showcasing the Power of Generative AI

Niantic has introduced two sample projects to demonstrate the abilities of generative AI. The first project, called Rainbow Crunchies by Inworld, allows developers to test AI-based interaction with an original character. The second project, powered by OpenAI, enables developers to apply AI textures to AR objects, adding depth and realism to the augmented reality experience.

Ian Curtis, a developer at 8th Wall XR, expressed excitement over the integration of generative AI into augmented reality, stating, “What excites me most about integrating Generative AI into Augmented Reality is that it empowers every user to become an architect of their digital world. They’re no longer passively consuming content but actively creating it, shaping their experiences with the power of their imagination.”

Niantic’s Ongoing Exploration of AI

Niantic has been venturing into the world of AI since June, when it introduced a mixed-reality experience in Pokémon Go. Players could interact with an AI-enabled owl named Wol. This demonstrates Niantic’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and creating immersive experiences for its players.