Over 90 industry partners are backing SpecialEffect’s One Special Day fundraiser | Pocket Gamer.biz

SpecialEffect’s One Special Day Campaign Receives Support from Over 90 Industry Partners

SpecialEffect, the UK-based gaming and disability charity, is proud to announce that its flagship One Special Day campaign, taking place on October 6, has received support from more than 90 industry partners. This includes prominent gaming giants such as Xbox, Supercell, and EA.

As part of the campaign, gamers will have the opportunity to show their support for SpecialEffect by purchasing qualifying titles from the partner companies. In turn, these companies will donate a portion or all of the resulting revenue. The titles will be available through the One Special Day Steam Promotion from October 5-8, as well as the Mobile Promotion on October 6.

“Once again we’ve been overwhelmed by the level of support from the games industry for One Special Day,” said Dr. Mick Donegan, CEO and founder of SpecialEffect. “The backing we receive from the industry and their communities is phenomenal, and without it, we simply couldn’t bring a better quality of life to so many people across the world.

“The support not only funds our one-to-one work with individuals with physical disabilities but also enables our research and partnership efforts with developers and manufacturers. This ensures that we can continue to have a global impact on the accessibility of video games.”

How SpecialEffect Makes Games Accessible

The support from SpecialEffect’s partners and their communities allows the charity to reach thousands of disabled people annually. SpecialEffect works alongside a team of therapists and technical specialists to bring the joy of gaming to those who may otherwise be unable to access it. The organization then shares its learnings with hardware and software developers, helping them make their products more accessible to players worldwide.

In addition to the One Special Day campaign, partner studios such as Third Kind Games, Sumo Group, and PlayStation London will host various studio events and fundraising initiatives. These include live streams, game jams, and even abseiling.

Since its launch in 2016, One Special Day has raised over $2 million for SpecialEffect. The charity utilizes these funds to support various initiatives. This includes projects like BubbleBusters, which provides telepresent robots to help individuals in medical isolation reconnect with education and loved ones. Additionally, the charity has created the SpecialEffect development kit, a free resource that assists developers in improving the motor accessibility of their games right from launch. The devkit has garnered positive feedback and is now being utilized by developers of all sizes worldwide.

For more information about SpecialEffect and their work, visit the official website.