Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis update adds to backstory of Sephiroth

Mobile Game Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis Releases New Chapter Detailing Sephiroth’s Backstory

Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis, the popular mobile game, received an update on Friday that introduced a highly anticipated new chapter. This chapter delves deeper into the story of a young Sephiroth, providing fans with new layers of information about the villain’s backstory.

Since the release of the update, fans have taken to social media to discuss the new chapter and speculate about its implications for the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. However, before we delve into the details, please note that there are major story spoilers ahead.

The First Soldier, the set of missions to which the new chapter is added, showcases a key moment that fans have been sharing. In this scene, Sephiroth is seen holding up a photo of a woman whom he refers to as Jenova, believing her to be his mother.

However, the truth is that the woman in the photo is not Jenova but Lucrecia. Sephiroth’s true parents are Shinra scientists Hojo and Lucrecia. In a cruel act, Hojo injected Lucrecia with Jenova cells while she was pregnant, giving Sephiroth his immense power.

Previously, Sephiroth had been told by Hojo that his mother was Jenova, hiding the alien truth from him. The new chapter in Ever Crisis brings a tragic revelation to his backstory – Sephiroth knew who his birth mother was all along, just not by her real name.

It’s important to note that while this added backstory for Sephiroth provides intriguing new details, some fans, including myself, are not entirely thrilled with the explanation. Sephiroth’s enigmatic nature as a hero-turned-villain in the original game had an aura of mystery and ambiguity, which seems to have been diminished by the additional information.

Moreover, as we look forward to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and its story changes, there is concern about the potential complexity of the game’s narrative and the extent of the additional backstory that will be included. Will young Sephiroth be a playable character? Will we see more of Lucrecia? Will Hojo finally explain himself?

Additionally, there are questions about the canonicity of the Ever Crisis story. Is it part of the main narrative or an alternate timeline? The increasing complexity and the resemblance of young Sephiroth’s character design to other works by Nomura, like Kingdom Hearts, raises suspicions among some fans.

If you’re eager to experience the new chapter featuring young Sephiroth, it is available now in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis. However, please note that it unlocks only once you have completed other story missions, and microtransactions play a significant role in the game.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that more story content will be continuously added to Ever Crisis, drawing from other Final Fantasy games. This information was shared during a livestream for the game, translated by popular Final Fantasy streamer, Aitai Kimochi. It seems that fans can expect future updates based on the completion of different storylines.

Overall, Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis continues to captivate fans with its engaging gameplay and the expansion of Sephiroth’s backstory. Whether you are a longtime fan or new to the franchise, this mobile game offers a unique and immersive experience within the Final Fantasy universe.