Make your VERY Big Indie Pitch to our MENA panel of experts at PGC Jordan 2023 | Pocket

The Very Big Indie Pitch: Your Chance to Pitch Your Game to Experts

As Pocket Gamer Connects returns to the MENA region, indie developers have an opportunity to showcase their games and make valuable connections. The upcoming Big Indie Pitch at PGC Jordan 2023 is specifically designed for indie studios looking for a big break.

The Very Big Indie Pitch (PC, Mobile + Console Edition)

The format of the pitch is simple: Each participant gets five minutes to present their game and answer questions from the panel of experts. This high-speed pitch session allows developers to highlight the key selling points of their game and make a lasting impression on potential partners. What makes this year’s pitch even more exciting is the multiplatform focus, as we’re not just looking for mobile games, but also PC and console titles.

Winning the pitch comes with several benefits. The top three contestants selected by the judges will receive exclusive interviews with the team at and guaranteed coverage to promote their game. Previous winner Noah Rosenfeld, the developer of Addagrams, shared his experience participating in the Big Indie Pitch, highlighting the valuable opportunities and lasting connections it can create.

To participate, your team should consist of twelve people or fewer, and you must have a game ready to pitch for mobile (iOS & Android), Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC, Mac, or Linux platforms. Whether it’s an unreleased title or a newly released game, you’re encouraged to join the pitch. Simply register using the button below and prepare for the Big Indie Pitch on Saturday, November 4 at the Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan 2023 event.


The deadline for applications is Monday, 30 October 2023. For more information, visit the PGC Jordan Site.

Experience the Pocket Gamer Connects 2023 Event

The Pocket Gamer Connects 2023 event has something to offer for everyone, even if you’re not looking to pitch your game. The Big Indie Zone provides an opportunity to interact with the best and brightest indie developers in the industry. In addition, there are speaker tracks and other attractions. Don’t miss out on this vibrant and growing region!


Register now for PGC Jordan 2023 and take advantage of the early bird special. This event presents incredible opportunities for networking, investment, and discovering the potential of the MENA region. Join us and make meaningful connections in the gaming industry!