Cities Skylines 2 Natural Disasters List & All Preparations

Image Credits: Cities: Skylines on YouTube

Cities Skylines 2 introduces natural disasters that can occur randomly and pose challenges to your city. While you cannot prevent these disasters from happening, there are preparations you can make to minimize the damage they cause. Here, we will discuss the three natural disasters that can take place in your city.

All Natural Disasters in Cities Skylines 2

  • Forest Fire
  • Hail Storm
  • Tornado

Forest Fire

Forest Fire
Image Credits: Colossal Order

During dry and hot weather, the risk of a forest fire increases. Not only forests but also nearby buildings are at the risk of catching fire. To prepare for this disaster, set up Firewatch Towers near your forests and place your fire fighting department between the city and the forests. This way, the towers can alert the department and they can dispatch firetrucks or fire helicopters to prevent the spread of the fire.

Hail Storm

Hail Storm
Image Credits: Cities: Skylines on YouTube

Hail storms can occur whenever the temperature becomes too cold. These storms make roads slippery and can cause traffic accidents. They also damage buildings. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to prepare for a hail storm.


Tornado In Cities Skylines 2
Image Credits: Cities: Skylines on YouTube

Tornadoes are highly destructive and can cause significant damage to buildings. They can also result in fatalities. To minimize the damage caused by tornadoes, set up Emergency Shelters throughout the city so that citizens can easily access them for safety.

These are the natural disasters you can encounter in Cities Skylines 2 and the preparations you can make to mitigate their effects. For more gaming tips, check out our guides on fixing high rent and making money fast.

Karan is a passionate gamer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and many others. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6 and experimenting with different Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. If you need assistance with boss fights or any gaming-related queries, Karan is your go-to guy!