Box Art Brawl – Duel: Hey! Pikmin

Make sure to vote in the poll below before we take a look at the box art designs.

North America / Japan

Image: Nintendo

Both of these versions are quite similar in many ways, but this one, in particular, exudes a more action-oriented vibe. Olimar is shown throwing the little Pikmin at a Mockiwi with reckless abandon, and there’s a lot going on in the image, right? It’s a great composition, though, and it’s kind of funny in a weird way…


Hey! Pikmin EU
Image: Nintendo

In contrast, the European version features Olimar and his Pikmin balancing their way across a log while the Mockiwi gazes at them from a distance. We love how the majority of characters here are more in the foreground, while the Mockiwi is slightly blurred out in the background. Plus, there’s a big button. Who doesn’t like buttons?

Thanks for voting! We’ll see you next time for another round of the Box Art Brawl.