20m players have visited Arcadia Bay and rewound time in Life is Strange

The original Life is Strange game has amassed an impressive 20 million players. This comes as the developer expresses gratitude to all the fans of the game who have taken the journey through Arcadia Bay with Max and Chloe.

Let’s Play Life is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis.

The official account wrote, “We want to thank each and every one of you for playing,” accompanied by a heartwarming reel of moments from the game.

While the achievement of 20 million players is remarkable, it’s important to note that Life is Strange has been available on various subscription services and a remastered version was launched last year.

Since its debut, Life is Strange has seen two additional mainline game releases, along with the prequel Before the Storm and spin-off The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit.

For those who have yet to experience the series, it comes highly recommended. Each release has made a significant impact on players, evoking genuine emotion and, dare I say, even bringing tears to the eyes.

In Eurogamer’s own Life is Strange review from 2015, our Aoife called it “one of the most interesting games in years”.

“I can’t think of any other games I’ve played that have become huge talking points across a diverse range of players, tackled surprisingly dark subject matter with sensitivity and respect, and made me feel nostalgic for a time in my life long past while still damn glad I’m not a teenager any more,” she wrote.

“Life is Strange has achieved so much more than anyone ever expected it to. It’s interesting. It’s a must-play.”