How to Unlock and Use Scatter Mines in Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3: Unlocking and Utilizing Scatter Mines

Looking for smaller explosions but still want to pack a punch? Scatter Mines in Modern Warfare 3 might be just the equipment you need. Here’s how to unlock and use them effectively.

Unlocking Scatter Mines

If you’re eager to get your hands on Scatter Mines, you’ll be pleased to know that you can unlock them by reaching level 18. Gain experience points by completing Daily and Weekly Challenges, or by playing Kill Confirmed. Once you hit level 18, you can equip the Scatter Mine to your Tactical slot.

Image: PC Invasion

Using Scatter Mines

Don’t be fooled by their size – Scatter Mines pack a punch. When deployed, they explode into small pieces that spread across the area. These pieces detonate when an enemy steps on them, making it an effective way to deny access to certain areas. Position them strategically near tight corridors and entrances to catch unsuspecting enemies.

Modern Warfare 3 Scatter Mines
Image: PC Invasion

Strategic Use

Utilize Scatter Mines in objective-based matches like Domination and Hardpoint, especially in large maps, to secure team-controlled zones. Combine them with other equipment and supporting fire for a strong defensive strategy. This will make it difficult for the enemy to breach your position.

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