All Hefnd’s Bones locations in Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin, explained

As you progress through the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest in Destiny 2, you will need to uncover 10 bones in Warlord’s Ruin. I have found all 10 myself and can assist you in locating Hefnd’s Bones in Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin.

How to Locate All Bones in Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin

In order to find all the Hefnd’s Bones in Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin, you must advance through the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest by gathering the first bones, which are located to the left of the final boss chest. I’ve got you covered if you need help defeating the final boss.

How to Dispel Taken Corruption (level one, two, and three) in Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin

All the Ahamkarah Bones are hidden behind Taken Corruption doors with level one, two, and three locks on them. To pass through them, you need to make progress through the In the Shadow of the Mountain quest. After collecting the tenth bone at the final boss chest, you can now unlock level one Taken Corruption doors. With three more bones collected, you gain access to level two, and an additional three bones grants access to level three Taken Corruption Doors. The bones are not located in chronological order as you progress through Warlord’s Ruin, so you will need to play through it multiple times to Dispel all the Taken Corruption doors and collect all the bones.

Destiny 2 Warlord’s Ruin Hefnd’s Bone #1

First Bone – Across the bridge inside the first fort, before an arresting Knight assails you. The first Hefnd Bone can be found by crossing the bridge at the very beginning and sliding through the gate into the castle, continue going straight to find your first Taken Corruption door. The bones are in the room beyond.

These were to help you find Ahamkarah bones in Warlord’s Ruin. I hope this guide was helpful for you.