How to upgrade to a Rare axe in LEGO Fortnite

Lego Fortnite: Step-by-Step Guide to Upgrading to a Rare Axe

Embarking on your Lego Fortnite journey can be overwhelming, but fear not! Upgrading your tools, like your axe, is crucial to your success in the game. Here’s how to upgrade to a Rare Axe in Lego Fortnite.

Upgrade your Crafting Bench

The first step is to upgrade your Crafting Bench to tier 3. Head to the desert biome in Lego Fortnite and look for Rough Amber, which appears as large orange-tinted rocks. Collect around 10 of these resources. Though slightly rarer than granite, you should be able to find them without too much trouble.

Next, build a gem cutter and place the Rough Amber in it. This will produce Cut Amber, an essential material for the upgrade.

Additionally, you’ll need Knotwood, which can be obtained by chopping down a tree. Craft the regular Forest Axe to gather Knotwood and use a Lumber Mill to process it into the necessary item.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Crafting the Rare Axe

With all the necessary resources in hand, head to the Crafting Bench. Interact with the bench and navigate to the Bench Upgrade section. Enhance your bench with more recipes, and you should see the option to create the Rare Axe. Simply press on the blue Forest Axe to begin the crafting process.

Lego Fortnite Work Bench
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The Rare Forest Axe allows you to obtain even rarer materials like Flexwood by breaking down items such as Cactus.

Lego Fortnite is available on Epic Games, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, and Mobile platforms, and the best part is that it’s free to play! Start upgrading your tools and conquering the Lego Fortnite world today!