Hello Games Is Rerunning This Year’s No Man’s Sky Expeditions

No Man’s Sky’s 2023 Expeditions Are Returning to the Game for a Limited Time

Hello Games is providing players who may have missed out on the 2023 No Man’s Sky Expeditions with another opportunity to enjoy the free add-ons. For a limited time over the next few weeks, all three Expeditions will be making a return, allowing gamers to collect the unique rewards available for completing the challenges they offer.

As announced by Hello Games, each of the three No Man’s Sky Expeditions from this year will be brought back to the game for one week only, starting today. This gives fans of the expansive sci-fi sandbox game the chance to revisit their favorite Expeditions or tackle the ones they missed. In addition, the exploration-focused Cartographers Expedition from 2021 will also be making a return for one week.

Each Expedition contains a specially designed campaign that highlights a specific element of No Man’s Sky’s gameplay or narrative. Players who complete the challenges in these campaigns will receive unique in-game items for use in future playthroughs.

The first Expedition to reappear will be Utopia, running from today until December 15. Then, from December 15 to December 22, the lore-heavy Singularity Expedition, focused on themes of artificial intelligence and existence, will take the spotlight. This will be followed by the return of the 2021 Expedition, Cartographers, from December 22-29. Finally, from December 29 to January 8, the exploration-focused Voyagers Expedition will close out the event.

For those who missed out on these Expeditions during their initial run in the game, this limited-time event offers a chance to experience the content they previously missed. It also serves as an opportunity for new players who are intrigued by the stunning trailer for Hello Games’ next title, Light No Fire, to immerse themselves in the game that first put the studio on the map.