Where To Find Resonance Stone And Its Uses

How to Find and Use the Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a complex game with a vast world and story, filled with items that are easy to miss. The Resonance Stone is one such item that you might overlook during your playthrough. This guide will help you locate and utilize this important piece of the game.

How to Get Resonance Stone in Baldur’s Gate 3

You can find the Resonance Stone at the Mind Flayer Colony, which becomes available in Act 2. There are two ways to obtain it:

  • Killing Mind Flayers: The Resonance Stone is not a guaranteed drop, so you’ll need to take your chances by eliminating Mind Flayers. The more you kill, the better your chances of obtaining the stone.
  • Searching the entire colony: Explore the Mind Flayer Colony thoroughly, including puzzle rooms, to increase your chances of finding the Resonance Stone as a random pickup.

How to Use the Resonance Stone

Carrying the Resonance Stone will give you the Steeped in Bliss condition, affecting everyone within a 9-foot radius. This condition is useful for passing physical checks, but you will be at a disadvantage during saving throws. Additionally, carrying the stone makes you weak to Psychic damage, so be mindful of this when engaging in combat.

Now that you know how to find and use the Resonance Stone in BG3, you can make the most of its benefits and strategize accordingly in the game. For more detailed content like this, make sure to browse through our extensive Baldur’s Gate 3 section.