How to get Hierarchy of Needs in Destiny 2

How to Obtain the Hierarchy of Needs in Destiny 2

In the world of Destiny 2, the Hierarchy of Needs is a highly sought-after Exotic solar combat bow that made its debut during Season 19, the Season of the Seraph. This futuristic weapon has become a favorite among both novice and experienced Guardians due to its reputation as one of the best primary weapons in the game.

Image: Bungie

To acquire the Hierarchy of Needs, players must complete the Spire of the Watcher dungeon. The good news is that this particular dungeon has been hailed as one of the easiest to complete in the game. However, the bad news is that obtaining the weapon’s catalyst requires completing the same dungeon on Master difficulty, which necessitates reaching the pinnacle level or enlisting the help of a powerful fireteam.

Despite the challenges, the unique traits of the Hierarchy of Needs make it a prize worth pursuing:

  • Guidance Ring: Precision hits and final blows build Guidance Ring energy. Opposing Guardians grant additional energy. At full charge, hip firing creates a Guidance Ring.
  • Apollonic Tangent: Arrows fired through a Guidance Ring release seeking projectiles, which do more damage based on distance traveled.
  • Panoptic Tessellation (Catalyst): Deploying a Guidance Ring or striking a target with a seeking projectile improves draw time and reload speed for a moderate duration.

Players should be prepared to face various challenges within the Vex dungeon as they work towards obtaining this sought-after Exotic bow, whether they choose to go it alone or team up with others. Patience and perseverance will ultimately lead to the coveted weapon.

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