Can you play Portal: Revolution on Steam Deck?

Portal: Revolution on Steam Deck

You take one of my favorite gaming platforms, the Steam Deck, and give me a new high-quality community mod for a game I love, Portal 2, and you get magic. That is, if Portal: Revolution works on Steam Deck.

Good news! Portal: Revolution is available on Steam Deck! While I’ve seen people report that the controls can be wonky and the performance takes a dip around chapter 3, but all-in-all, Portal: Revolution is 100% playable on Steam Deck.

Since Portal: Revolution is a community mod on top of Portal 2, you need to own Portal 2 to play this free Portal mod. Portal and Portal 2 are available for USD $9.99, and they constantly go on sale for cheaper. They are two of the best games ever made, so Portal: Revolution aside, I recommend you get and play them.

If you’re running into issues with playing Portal: Revolution on Steam Deck, I’ve seen people see success when running it through GE-Proton8-25. To enable this, go to the settings of Portal: Revolution on Steam by pressing the gamepad icon. Then, select properties and then compatibility. Tick the box that reads, “Force the use of a specific steam play compatibility tool.” Select GE-Proton8-25 from the dropdown, save, and launch Portal: Revolution.

Since you can play Portal and Portal 2 on Steam Deck, it would be shocking to see Portal: Revolution not work on Steam Deck. Also, considering Portal and Portal 2 are made by Valve and Valve owns all of Steam and the Steam Deck, it would be extra wild if you weren’t able to play Portal: Revolution on Steam Deck.

Hopefully, you enjoy Portal: Revolution from the comfort of your couch or bed thanks to the Steam Deck. If it’s been a while since you’ve played Portal 2, you should jump back in and experience the ray tracing update.