How to cure Weakened status in Palworld

Curing the Weakened status in Palworld

If you are new to Palworld, you may have encountered the Weakened status effect on some of your workers. Unfortunately, this affliction does not disappear on its own, but there is a way to cure it.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

To cure the Weakened status in Palworld, you will need to unlock the Medieval Medicine Workbench. This can be found on the 12th level of the Technology tree and costs two points. Once unlocked, you can craft High Grade Medical Supplies using 5 Ingots, 5 Horns, and 2 Bones. Simply use this item on any Pal affected by the Weakened status to cure them of their affliction.

After using the High Grade Medical Supplies, the Pal should be cleansed of their weakened state and return to working at peak efficiency. However, it’s important to note that Pals can always contract this status effect again, so it’s not a permanent solution.

How to avoid the Weakened effect

Avoiding the Weakened effect in Palworld can be challenging, as it can occur when you neglect your Pals’ needs. This includes factors such as starvation, lack of attention, and sleepiness, among others. It can be difficult to always stay focused on your workforce, especially when you’re focused on other tasks like adventuring or crafting.

The best way to prevent the Weakened status in Palworld is to pay attention to your Pals’ needs, ensure your base is stocked with beds and food, and give them attention and pet them regularly to keep morale high. But if some Pals do become Weakened, remember that you can use High Grade Medical Supplies to heal them.

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