The Best Mining Pals in Palworld

Discovering and capturing Pals is one of the most thrilling parts of the game. However, establishing and managing a reliable base is crucial for survival in Palworld, and your Pals are there to assist with that.

They can perform a wide range of tasks, including crafting items, generating resources, and defending the base from foes.

Understanding which Pals are best suited for specific tasks is essential, particularly for crucial tasks like Mining. To help you figure out the best Pals for using a pickaxe, we’ve compiled a helpful guide to the top mining Pals in Palworld.

How to Determine Which Pals Can Mine in Palworld

While exploring Palpagos and capturing various Pals, it’s important not only to consider their elements and traits but also to determine the tasks they can handle in relation to your base. If your base lacks productivity in a certain area, you’ll need to look for Pals with the skills to fill that gap.

To check a Pal’s capabilities, simply access your Paldeck Menu, and for captured Pals, view their attributes, including their ‘Work Suitability’. The tasks illuminated are the ones the Pal is capable of doing, along with the respective level. The higher the level, the more efficient the Pal will be at that task, and the higher tier items they can produce or transport.

Ideally, you’ll want Pals who can handle tasks such as gathering, lumbering, watering, mining, and planting, as well as transporting their items to storage. Multi-tasking Pals allow for more flexibility in meeting various base needs.

The Best Mining Pals in Palworld (By Level)

While there are numerous Pals capable of mining tasks in general, some are more adept than others, particularly based on their default mining level.

It’s worth noting that you can create a Pickaxe and Helmet furnishing for your base, which will passively boost the work speed of any mining task, whether queued or not.

Cattiva (Level 1)

Palworld who is Cattiva

Cattiva is among the initial Pals in the game (Level 1-5 on average) and is typically easy to catch. They possess a versatile skill set, useful for passively increasing your carrying capacity when in your party. They are the best option for Level 1 Mining on a beginner base, tackling Stone nodes in the vicinity and working at established Stone Pits. However, they can be finicky and get stressed easily, so be sure to capture and place Cattivas with optimal Passive Skills.

Side Note: Another contender in the Level 1 category is the warthog-like Pal called Rushoar. While they are only capable of Mining, they have a handy Partner Skill called ‘Hard Head’ that allows them to charge and smash into nodes while mounted, breaking them down quicker than a pickaxe can.

Tombat (Level 2)

Palworld who is Tombat

In competition with Penking, who is the most versatile Level 2 Miner, we have chosen Tombat. This Pal is easier to catch (usually around Level 7-8) and is less of an eater than Penking. It excels at mining, transporting, and gathering, making it a favorite for early to mid-tier work.

With Level 2 Mining, Tombat not only mines Stone but also Ore nodes. If there are no Ore nodes in the area, it’s advisable to consider establishing a second base with an abundance of Ore nodes, as a large number of ingots will be needed for crafting and repairing in the game.

Tombats are typically found all over the map at night, with their glowing purple flames making them hard to miss.

Digtoise (Level 3)

Palworld who is Digtoise
Image Source: Pocketpair via Twinfinite

After weighing the options, we’ve selected Digtoise over Anubis as the most capable Level 3 Miner, particularly due to the difficulty of obtaining Anubis later in the game. Digtoise is adept at Mining even though it is the only work skill it possesses, and it is efficient at it. Its Drill Crusher Partner Skill is specifically suited for tearing apart Ore nodes.

Digtoise is easier to find and catch starting at around Level 19 and can be found during the day in a desert patch to the north at (-134, 135).

Astegon (Level 4)

Palworld who is Astegon

Astegon boasts the highest mining skill level among all Pals in the game. It is proficient at mining various types of rock, ore, and precious materials from the ground. Its Partner Skill, ‘Black Anklyosaur’, is especially efficient for these tasks. Additionally, it can assist with item crafting using its Handiwork skill.

Being the only level 4 Miner in the game so far, Astegon is exceptionally challenging to find and capture. To locate this formidable dragon, you’ll need to travel northeast, past the Dessicated Desert, to the corner edge of the map near the Deep Sand Dunes Fast Travel statue at (531, 518). Be prepared with your best gear, as the lowest level we’ve encountered Astegon is 43.

If another level 4 Miner is introduced in future updates, we may update this entry accordingly.

That concludes our guide to the best mining Pals in Palworld. We hope you found it helpful. Let us know your favorite Mining Pals and if there are any missing from our list.

Don’t forget to explore our other guides for Palworld, including our initial review of the game during Early Access.