How to find and use EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite

How to Locate EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite

EMP Stealth Camo is a new addition to Fortnite that is connected to the Metal Gear Solid missions. In Metal Gear Solid, Stealth Camo is extremely overpowered, and although it’s not as potent in Fortnite, it’s still important to be familiar with it. Here’s where and how to find EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite.

How to Find EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite

Image: PC Invasion

EMP Stealth Camo is classified as a Mythic Rare item, meaning it is difficult to come across. I’ve managed to find a couple from Rare Chests, which are distinguishable by their blue and silver color and slightly different sound from normal chests. These Rare Chests appear randomly, but thorough looting of busy buildings, towns, and named locations should result in locating them.

Rare Chests seem to drop them at a decent rate, but we will update this guide if we find any guaranteed spawns.

How to use the EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite

How to find and use EMP Stealth Camo in Fortnite
Image: PC Invasion

Once the Camo is in your possession, you can activate it to become nearly invisible. While the Stealth Camo is activated, you can move at full speed and jump and slide as you normally would. To prevent this item from being excessively overpowered, the Camo ceases to function when you switch weapons.

Although it may not initially seem impactful, the EMP Stealth Camo provides an effective means to disengage from a conflict. While you’re not completely invisible, your opponent may still be able to track you, but it will be challenging for them to hit you. However, if you can escape, heal, and reset the fight, the Camo has served its purpose. Keep in mind, though, that this item has a substantial cooldown between uses, so you can’t abuse it.

If you’re a fan of Metal Gear Solid, you should also make sure to explore the Cardboard Box item. Check out our guide if you’ve yet to come across it.