Where to find Tin in Enshrouded

Enshrouded: Tips for Finding Tin

Mining in Enshrouded is an exciting and challenging experience. The journey to the mines is fraught with obstacles and enemies, so it’s important to be prepared. Here’s a guide on where to find Tin in the game.

Tin: A Rare Resource

While Tin Ore is not inherently scarce, finding it can be a challenge in Enshrouded. Tin veins are specifically located in the Nomad Highlands, which is a remote and perilous area, especially for new players. Navigating this area is essential for those looking to acquire Tin naturally during gameplay.

Image: Map Genie

Finding Tin in Nomad Highlands

When you’re ready to gather Tin in Enshrouded, head to the Nomad Highlands and focus on two specific spots. The first is the Mining Rift, located just south of a Shroud Root. The second spot is north of the Cradle of Dust enemy camp, where Tin ore can be found in the Shroud Root cave. For new players, exploring these caves can also yield valuable loot, XP from enemies, and additional mining opportunities.

Enshrouded Nomad Highlands Tin Locations
Image: Map Genie

Related: How to get a Rake in Enshrouded

Once you’ve obtained Tin ore, use it to craft and enhance your weapons, gear, and base objects. Strengthening your character is crucial to overcoming challenges in hazardous zones like the Nomad Highlands.

If you’re having difficulty defeating enemies, consider learning the best ways to heal in Enshrouded.