How To Fix Grizzbolt Not Spawning In Palworld

Palworld: How to Find and Breed Grizzbolt

Palworld is home to a variety of Pals, each with their own unique skills and abilities. One of the most sought-after creatures in the game is the Grizzbolt, known for its power and rarity. However, capturing a Grizzbolt can be a challenging task, particularly if it’s not spawning in its usual location. If you’re struggling to find this elusive Pal, here’s everything you need to know.

How to Fix Grizzbolt Not Spawning in Palworld

Grizzbolt is located on an island known as Pal Sanctuary in Palworld (Image – Palworld Wiki)

Grizzbolt has a low spawn rate, making it one of the rarest Pals in Palworld. This means that obtaining a Grizzbolt is not a bug or glitch – it will require dedication and persistence. Players should aim to reach at least level 20 before embarking on the quest to obtain this Pal. To find Grizzbolt, players should head to Pal Sanctuary in Nature Preserve No. 1, and keep an eye out during nighttime, when it is most likely to spawn.

How to Breed Grizzbolt in Palworld

If locating a Grizzbolt in the wild proves to be a challenge, players can opt to breed one instead. Pairing Mossanda and Rayhound can result in a strong Grizzbolt Pal through the following steps:

  • Build a Breeding Farm and add Mossanda and Rayhound to the farm.
  • Prepare a Cake and offer it to these creatures to increase the chances of getting an Egg.
  • Once they lay an Egg, transfer it to the Egg Incubator.
  • Once the Egg hatches, the Grizzbolt Pal will emerge.

So, if you’re wondering why Grizzbolt is not spawning in Palworld, this guide should provide some clarity. For more tips on the game, including how to obtain Jormuntide Ignis, Lyleen Noct, and Suzaku Aqua, stay tuned to Gamer Tweak.