Where to Find Telok Penjara in Skull and Bones
Telok Penjora’s name itself may be just the only piece of information you need to guess and say that it is located far from Sainte Anne. And you would be right. If you have read our guide about how to get the Brigantine blueprint you know that getting to the East Indies – located northeast of Sainte Anne – is quite a perilous journey. If you haven’t then you need to know that the way is filled with high-tier enemy ships and gigantic waves. Don’t worry though, even with a Bedar the journey is quite possible if you take your distance and have a lot of patience – the way there is long.
Once you get there, you will meet several vendors that will provide goods that could be useful for your journey. However, one of the main reasons to get to Telok Penjara in Skull and Bones is to purchase the Padewakang blueprint from the local Shipwright. It will cost you 5280 Silver and, when you are ready to build it, will require the following resources:
Padewakang Materials and Description
- 18x Ironwood Plank
- 15x Steel Ingot
- 15x Fine Ramie
- 4x Shellac
- 4x Crude Saltpeter

Related: Where to find Brigantine blueprint in Skull and Bones
Reach the Brigand I before you travel to Telok Penjara if the Padewakang is your only objective. Get more Infamy by committing acts of piracy – after all, you are a pirate – and you will be all set to get these types of ships that may do more damage than your average Bedar or Dhow – especially the Dhow.
Prepare the perfect ship for your pirate endeavors. Here is the best ship loadout in Skull and Bones.