How to make Final Fantasy in Infinite Craft

Infinite Craft: How to Make Final Fantasy

It’s becoming more and more adventurous in Infinite Craft. With players now creating complex structures resembling games like Roblox within the game, it seems that there are no bounds to what can be achieved. I’ve been pushing the limits of my creativity in Infinite Craft and have stumbled upon some fascinating creations. One of these is Final Fantasy, and I’m excited to share how you can make it too.

Making Your Adventure in Infinite Craft

While crafting the classic RPG title is a rewarding experience, it’s also quite an undertaking. Unlike creating Fortnite or other simpler structures, making Final Fantasy will require a dedicated and extensive session. However, if you’re not ready for a long crafting stint, feel free to scroll down for a reference to the steps involved.

  • Mud + Mud = Clay
  • Earth + Clay = Pottery
  • Pottery + Potter = Vase
  • Child + Teenager = Adult
  • Paris Hilton + Adult = Celebrity
  • Celebrity + Sk**k = Kim Kardashian

That was quite an extensive list, but fret not, we’re a little over halfway there.

Create Your Final Fantasy in Infinite Craft

The next part isn’t as drawn-out, but you will still find yourself retracing your steps multiple times. Since Final Fantasy is a specific title, you’ll be surprised by the variety of elements that contribute to its creation. 

Note that Japan is a vital component for this step. If you don’t have it, use this guide to unlock the prompt.

  • Monkey + Book = Curious George
  • Curious George + Periodic Table = Curium
  • Curium + Gay = Curious
  • Electric Guitar + Japan = J-Pop
  • J-Pop + Guitar = J-Rock
  • J-Rock + Game = J-Game
  • J-Game + Quest = RPG

Both of the previously mentioned sections are the most challenging parts, and you’ve now completed them. Let’s proceed to the final touches.

Putting it all together in Infinite Craft

The two essential ingredients you need are RPG and Japan. The latter can be unlocked in various ways, but I’ve linked a guide for the fastest method above. Once you have everything in order, stack RPG on top of Japan, and there you have it. You’ve successfully created your version of Final Fantasy.

If you’re up for a challenge, try out creating the Gameboy using our guide.

Infinite Craft is available for free, played directly through the browser.