New Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Update Finally Makes Keys Easier To Spot

We had a blast with Tomb Raider I-III Remastered when it arrived on the Switch last month

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with Tomb Raider I-III Remastered since its debut on the Switch last month. While some parts of the original trilogy may show their age, for the most part, these were the same thrilling adventures that captured our hearts in the late ’90s, now with a delightful visual upgrade.

Visibility Issues in Tomb Raider

However, one common issue that many players encountered while exploring these tombs was a problem with visibility, especially when it came to locating crucial keys. The enhanced graphics, while visually stunning, made it challenging to spot keys, which are essential for unlocking doors and progressing through the game. This difficulty did not go unnoticed, with players taking to Twitter to express their concerns, as shown in the comparison below.

Thankfully, the developer, Aspyr, has listened to player feedback and released a new update to address this issue. The update not only focuses on improving key visibility but also addresses texture issues, enhances lighting in darker areas, and includes other tweaks to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Updates in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered

Tomb Raider I:

  • Fixed image sizes to prevent paintings from being cropped in Lara’s Home
  • Resolved a partial missing door in the Egypt level
  • Updated textures on key pickups for better visibility
  • Adjusted lava textures to eliminate transparency at certain angles

Tomb Raider II:

  • Fixed a crash issue in the Home Sweet Home level
  • Adjusted hitbox for spiders in The Great Wall level
  • Corrected misplaced secrets in Golden Mask levels
  • Improved snowmobile behavior in Modern Controls
  • Enhanced door handles with proper textures in the Diving Area level
  • Updated HD molten gold texture in the Kingdom level
  • Enhanced snow camouflage in HD mode in The Cold War level

Tomb Raider III:

  • Updated quicksand textures in HD mode
  • Ensured waterfall visibility when switching levels in the control room of Nevada Desert
  • Improved gem visibility in the Furnace of the Gods level
  • Fixed trigger issue for the secret level All Hallows
  • Enhanced skybox details in HD mode at the beginning of Shakespeare Cliff

The complete patch notes for this update can be found on the official Tomb Raider website. Players can review the comprehensive list of improvements to enhance their gameplay experience.

Did you face any challenges related to key visibility in the collection? Are you satisfied with the improved visibility in the latest update? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
