What Is The Favorite Thing In Stardew Valley?

Stardew Valley is a game with many features that players are eager to explore. One such feature is the Favorite Thing, which can be a bit confusing for players trying to understand its purpose and usefulness within the game.

Despite the updates bringing new content to the game, the Favorite Thing doesn’t offer any significant upgrades or advantages. However, players are still curious about its function, leading them to seek clarification on what exactly the Favorite Thing does.

Understanding the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley

Favorite Thing Easter Eggs in Stardew Valley
Image via ezlilyy (YT)

In Stardew Valley, players can set their Favorite Thing from the character creation menu, which becomes visible after meeting specific conditions. Upon collecting Stardrops and increasing their maximum energy, players will see the following text on the screen along with a sound effect:

  • “Your mind is filled with thoughts of [].”
  • “It’s strange, but the taste reminds you of []”

When this text appears, the player’s Favorite Thing will be displayed as entered in the character creation menu. While the Favorite Thing doesn’t offer any direct advantage in the game, it adds a personal touch to the text shown when finding Stardrops.

Easter Eggs Related to Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley

There are a few Easter Eggs associated with the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley:

  • If the player enters “ConcernedApe,” the words “Well, thanks!” will follow the usual text.
  • If the player enters “Stardew,” the words “You feel an unwavering connection to the valley itself” will appear after the standard text.

That wraps up all you need to know about the Favorite Thing in Stardew Valley. If you found this guide helpful, be sure to explore more Stardew Valley guides here at Gamer Tweak.