Pawn Inclinations & Specializations Guide

Pawns play a crucial role as your AI companions in Dragon’s Dogma 2, accompanying you on your journey and aiding you in combat. Understanding how to manage your Pawns’ AI behavior through Pawn Inclinations is key to optimizing your party’s efficiency. In this guide, we will delve into the different personalities and specializations of Pawns and how you can adjust these to suit your needs.

What Are Pawn Inclinations?

There are four distinct personalities that Pawns can possess in the game, each influencing how they approach combat. Kindhearted Pawns prioritize support skills, such as stamina recovery and aiding fallen allies. Straightforward Pawns engage aggressively in combat, focusing on dealing damage. Simple Pawns explore independently and gather items, while Calm Pawns adopt a defensive approach, attacking strategically.

Having the right Inclination is crucial to ensure that each Pawn plays their role effectively in various situations. For example, it would be counterproductive if a Mage with a Straightforward Inclination approaches enemies too closely, or if a Kindhearted Fighter prioritizes healing over attacking. Matching the right Inclination to the right Pawn can greatly enhance your combat abilities.

Pawn Specializations

Pawns can also have specializations that provide unique benefits to your party. These include Chirurgeons who use healing items, Logisticians who craft and distribute items, Foragers who locate specific items, Woodland Wordsmiths who translate Elvish language, and Hawkers who trade items for gold. Combining these Specializations with Inclinations can create powerful synergies to aid you on your quest.

How to Change Inclinations and Specializations

To adjust your Pawn’s Inclination, visit the Pawn Guild in any major city and speak to the vendor inside. Rift Incense of various Inclination types can be purchased to change your Pawn’s personality, though this requires Rift Crystals. If Rift Crystals are scarce, Ambivalent Rift Incense can be used to randomly change Inclinations at a lower cost. Specializations can be acquired through one-time-use tomes obtained as quest rewards from NPCs.

Best Inclinations per Vocation and Specialization

For Mages and Sorcerers, prioritize Kindhearted Pawns to maximize support skills. Fighters and Warriors benefit from Straightforward Pawns to excel in combat, while Archers and Thieves should have Calm Pawns for ranged combat or evasion tactics. Consider assigning Logistician scrolls to Simple Pawns for crafting, and pairing Kindhearted Pawns with Chirurgeon traits for Mages. Lastly, having a Woodland Wordsmith Pawn in your party can provide valuable translations for quests in the Sacred Arbor.