Content Warning’s first bug fix patch adds reporter mic, party poppers, more

Content Warning Receives First Patch with New Toys

Content Warning, the viral co-op horror game from the creators of Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, has just rolled out its first patch. This update not only addresses initial bugs but also introduces exciting new features for players to enjoy in the dark depths.

For those unfamiliar with the game, Content Warning tasks teams of up to four players with venturing into the darkness to capture horrifying entities on camera. The footage can then be shared on SpöökTube for the world to see, leading to a potential viral hit. Thanks to its unique gameplay and a free download promotion, the game has attracted over 6.2 million players on Steam.

While the game initially faced some technical challenges, developer Landfall Games has been actively working on resolving them. The first patch focuses on reducing hard drive usage for recordings, adding an inverted mouse setting, fixing duplicated items, and adjusting emote prices.

The highlight of the update is the introduction of new items for players to enjoy. A reporter mic adds a professional touch to SpöökTube videos, while new sounds and party poppers provide moments of relief in tense situations. Additionally, a projector has been added to the garden for outdoor viewing parties.

Despite these improvements, the developer is still investigating issues related to voices, connectivity, camera footage extraction, and visibility. Players can look forward to further updates addressing these concerns in the near future.

Now priced at £6.69/$7.99 on Steam, Content Warning has garnered positive reviews, with Eurogamer’s Christian Donlan praising its unique and charming experience. “There’s something really charming here,” he wrote, “something that generates a feeling, amongst strangers, that they are briefly not strangers at all. You’re not looting something, you’re making something – and that is very, very different for the vibe of a game, I think.”