Building the Invoker Archetype for Remnant II: The Forgotten Kingdom DLC

Developing Archetypes in Video Games

When creating new Archetypes for video games, it’s important to start with a clear theme and a standout Skill. For example, the Way of Kaeula Skill was the foundation for the Water-based archetype. This Skill offered versatility, allowing players to slow enemies, speed up allies, and even summon rain. On the other hand, the Way of Meidra focused more on support, with the ability to heal allies by fighting debuffed enemies. To round out the trio, the Way of Lydusa was designed to empower players by weakening enemy defenses and collecting shards for additional damage.

The Design Process

Once the core Skills are established, the next step is to involve Concept Artists to bring the Archetype to life visually. Discussions about the character’s alignment, role, and potential aesthetic inspiration help guide the artist’s initial concepts. Feedback loops refine the look until it aligns with the overall vision, ultimately gaining approval from the Creative Director.

Testing and Iteration

As the Skills, Perks, and Traits come together, they are reviewed by the development team to ensure they are feasible within the project timeline. Testing in controlled combat environments helps fine-tune the gameplay mechanics, addressing issues like balance, complexity, and overall player experience. Adjustments are made based on feedback, with a focus on enhancing visual and sound effects to complement the gameplay.