Where to find the Criminal Leader

Gray Zone Warfare: Locating the Criminal Leader in First Hit

Gray Zone Warfare offers an immersive shooting experience that can be both challenging and rewarding. One mission that exemplifies this is the First Hit mission, where players are tasked with locating a specific criminal leader. To aid you in finding the Criminal Leader in First Hit for Gray Zone Warfare, we have compiled the following guide.

Faction Locations in Marketplace

The key point to remember is that the location of the Marketplace will vary depending on the faction you are aligned with. All three factions will converge in the Marketplace, but the exact coordinates differ. If you find yourself confused about this, you can refer to the coordinates for each faction below.

Crimson Shield International: 141, 162 Marketplace for Kiu Vongsa.

Mithras Security Systems: 171, 119 Marketplace for Nam Thaven.

Lamang Recovery Initiative: 201, 612 Marketplace for Pha Lang.

With this information in mind, players can pinpoint the location of each Criminal Leader. Fortunately, the Criminal Leader tends to remain within the confines of the Marketplace. If you struggle to locate him outside, be sure to check the buildings nearby.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

The Criminal Leader can be identified by his distinctive appearance, often seen wearing sunglasses and a red beret. Additionally, he is typically accompanied by two other criminals. It is advisable to team up with friends when engaging with him, as he can be taken down relatively easily but poses a significant threat with his high damage output.

Completing the First Hit Mission

Upon successfully eliminating the leader, the mission is considered complete. However, there may be an update indicating the need to neutralize the NPC, which has already been accomplished. Players have the option to loot the body, potentially acquiring the leader’s glasses, red beret, and possibly the Marketplace key. This key unlocks a room on the second floor of the Marketplace, which could contain valuable loot.

Gray Zone Warfare Handshake1
Screenshot: PC Invasion

After completing the mission, players should return to Handshake to claim their rewards, which typically include:

  • $4,500
  • 400 XP
  • An Exfil Helmet
  • 100 Rep with Handshake

Understanding the nuances of armor in Gray Zone Warfare can enhance your gameplay experience. Consider referring to a detailed armor guide for further clarification.

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