All Hades 2 Boons List: Types and Stats

Aphrodite Boons List

Broken Resolve (Passive)

  • Weak effects become more potent.
  • Common: +10% Damage Reduction
  • Rare: +12% Damage Reduction

Flutter Flourish (Special)

  • Special attacks deal increased damage to nearby enemies.
  • Common: +100% Damage
  • Rare: +150% Damage
  • Epic: +200% Damage
  • Heroic: +250% Damage

Flutter Strike (Attack)

  • Normal attacks deal increased damage to nearby enemies
  • Common: +80% Damage
  • Rare: +105% Damage

Glamour Gain (Magick)

  • One foe is always weak during each Encounter, and you restore Magick when near them.
  • Common: +6 every second
  • Rare: +8 every second
  • Epic: +10 every second

Healthy Rebound (Passive)

  • Restore 100% HP whenever you exit an area if you didn’t lose too much.
  • Common: 80% Min Life

Heart Breaker (Passive)

  • Create a Heartthrob every time you use 30 Magick.
  • Common: 120 Hearththrob AoE Damage
  • Rare: 180 AoE Damage
  • Epic: 240 AoE Damage
  • Heroic: 300 AoE Damage

Life Affirmation (Passive)

  • Max Life rewards have increased potency.
  • Common: +40% Bonus Life Gain
  • Rare: +50% Bonus Life Gain
  • Epic: +60% Bonus Life Gain

Passion Dash (Sprint)

  • Blast nearby enemies and inflict Weak when you use your Dash.
  • Common: 20 Blast Damage
  • Rare: 30 Blast Damage
  • Epic: 40 Blast Damage

Rapture Ring (Cast)

  • Using Cast drags foes closer and inflicts Weak
  • Common: +10% Damage Reduction
  • Rare: +15% Damage Reduction
  • Epic: +20% Damage Reduction

Secret Crush (Passive)

  • Prime 20 Magick to add Power to your Attack after entering a location
  • Common: +5 Attack Power
  • Rare: +7 Attack Power

Shameless Attitude (Passive)

  • You deal more damage if you have at least 80% Life
  • Common: +10% High-Life Bonus Damage
  • Rare: +15% High-Life Bonus Damage
  • Epic: +20% High-Life Bonus Damage

Apollo Boons List

Blinding Sprint (Sprint)

  • Sprint is faster and inflicts Daze on nearby enemies
  • Common: +30%
  • Rare: +40%
  • Epic: +50%

Extra Dose (Passive)

  • Attacks have a chance to hit two times.
  • Common: +5% Double Strike Chance
  • Rare: +8% Double Strike Chance
  • Epic: +11% Double Strike

Light Smite (Passive)

  • Foes take damage and gain Daze when you take damage.
  • Common: 50 Revenge Damage
  • Rare: 75 Revenge Damage
  • Epic: 100 Revenge Damage
  • Heroic: 125 Revenge Damage

Lucid Gain (Magick Gain)

  • Gradually restore Magick while standing within your Cast.
  • Common: +12 every second
  • Rare: +18 every second
  • Epic: +24 every second

Nova Flourish (Special)

  • Special deals more damage in the broader area.
  • Common: +60% Special Damage
  • Rare: +80% Special Damage
  • Epic: +100% Special Damage

Nova Strike (Attack)

  • Attacks deal more damage in the broader area.
  • Common: +40% Attack Damage
  • Rare: +50% Attack Damage
  • Epic: +60% Attack Damage

Perfect Image (Passive)

  • Deal more damage until you take damage during each Encounter
  • Common: +10% No-Hit Bonus Damage
  • Rare: +15% No-Hit Bonus Damage
  • Epic: +20% No-Hit Bonus Damage

Solar Ring (Cast)

  • Rapidly deal damage in the area for two seconds after the Omega cast expires.
  • Common: 10 every 0.13 seconds Omega Cast Damage
  • Rare: 15 every 0.13 seconds Omega Cast Damage
  • Epic: 20 every 0.13 seconds Omega Cast Damage
  • Heroic: 25 every 0.13 seconds Omega Cast Damage

Super Nova (Passive)

  • Casts expand in size until it expires.
  • Common: +40% Max Cast Size
  • Rare: +50% Max Cast Size
  • Epic: +60% Max Cast Size