How to Change your Spawn Point Location in Fisch

When your character meets their demise in Fisch, they will respawn back at Moosewood. However, if you prefer to start anew on a different island, you have the option to change your spawn point location. This process involves interacting with specific NPCs scattered across the various islands in the game. Here’s a detailed guide on how to accomplish this task.

Setting a New Spawn Point Location in Fisch

Imagine you want to designate Forsaken Shores as your fresh starting point due to the lucrative fishing opportunities, presence of the treasure map NPC, and the Merchant services available on the island. To set this location as your spawn point, board your boat and sail to Forsaken Shores. Look for an NPC known as the Innkeeper.

forsaken shores innkeeper npc location

Initiate a conversation with the Innkeeper and select the option “How much is it to stay here?”. The cost, a reasonable 35C$, will be communicated to you. Confirm your decision by choosing “Sure, I’ll stay here!” and Forsaken Shores will become your designated spawn point.

interact with innkeper npcinteract with innkeper npc

It’s worth noting that on islands such as Roslit Bay, Sunstone Island, and Forsaken Shores, the Innkeeper may go by the title of Beach Keeper while offering the same services.

Here are the locations where you can find an Innkeeper/Beach Keeper to establish a new spawn point in Fisch:

  • Moosewood
  • Sunstone Island
  • Snowcap Island
snowcap island innkeeper location fischsnowcap island innkeeper location fisch
Snowcap Island
roslit bay beachkeeper locationroslit bay beachkeeper location
Roslit Bay
desolate pocket innkeeperdesolate pocket innkeeper
  • Forsaken Shores
  • Ancient Isle

This feature proves especially useful if you aim to spawn at Desolate Deep without the hassle of navigating underwater obstacles. Additionally, if your goal is to spawn on Ancient Isles, look for the Innkeeper by the pond near the palm tree.

That wraps everything up for now! If you’re interested in discovering the whereabouts of the rare and elusive Travis Scott fish in Roblox Fisch, check out our comprehensive location guide for assistance.