What does enemy injured status mean in Diablo 4? Answered.

Maximizing Benefits of Injured Status in Diablo 4

In Diablo 4, keeping track of effects, statuses, and buffs can be overwhelming, especially when the screen is full of numbers and various words during combat. Understanding when an enemy is injured can provide great advantages, but may require time and research to make sense of the numbers and words.

What is Injured Status?

Screenshot by PC Invasion

In Diablo 4, the term “Injured” appears when a character, player, or enemy is below 35% health. Once this level is reached or breached, the injured status is applied, causing specific buffs or debuffs. Buffs or debuffs are reset when players or enemies rise above or below the injured threshold.

Gaining Benefits from Injured Enemies

There are several weapons and affixes that can be used to make the most out of enemies with injured status in Diablo 4.

  • Polearms – This weapon provides a fixed percentage of damage to injured enemies.
  • Lucky Hit Affix – This provides a percentage chance to execute a non-elite injured enemy.
  • Reduction – This affix reduces the damage taken when injured.
  • Slaying Strike – This skill for the Barbarian provides a 7.5% damage increase to injured enemies.
  • Exploit – This skill for the Rogue increases damage by 6% against injured enemies.

With a better understanding of injured status in Diablo 4, players can take advantage of buffs and debuffs to maximize their gaming experience. So be on the lookout for these weapons and affixes to become a skilled finisher in combat!