Diablo 4 – In Desperate Times Quest: How to Ask For Help

How to Ask for the Watcher’s Help in Diablo 4: A Guide to Completing the In Desperate Times Quest

Throughout your adventures in Sanctuary, you’ll come across numerous sidequests. While most of them are straightforward, some can be confusing. One such quest is In Desperate Times, which requires you to seek the watcher’s help. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to complete this quest.

Step 1: Locating the Quest

In Desperate Times is a sidequest located in the Imperial Gardens region of Diablo 4. When you receive this quest, you’ll be given a highlighted area on the map to visit.

Step 2: Seeking the Watcher’s Help

Once you’ve arrived at the highlighted area on the minimap in Imperial Gardens, locate a statue and stand in front of it. To ask for the watcher’s help, perform the Help emote.

Step 3: Opening the Chest

After using the Help emote, a chest will appear next to the statue. Open the chest to complete the quest In Desperate Times.

A helpful tip: To use the Help emote, press the ‘E’ key on your keyboard to open the emotes menu. Scroll up once and click on the Help emote.

That’s how to ask for the watcher’s help in Diablo 4 and complete the In Desperate Times quest! We hope this guide has been useful to you. If you have any further input or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.