How to get Manhunter’s Breeches in Diablo 4

The sinister world of Diablo 4 is brimming with dark and unsettling elements. From the grotesque enemy designs to the eerie dungeon layouts, every detail is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of macabre. In this bleak landscape, the idea of donning trousers once owned by a werewolf-turned-serial-killer is surprisingly acceptable, and it may even prove advantageous if you have the right Druid build. These infamous trousers are known as the Manhunters Breeches, and in this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of obtaining them in Diablo 4.

Procuring the Manhunter’s Breeches in Diablo 4

Step 1: Track Down Garbhan Ennai, The Butcher of Cerrigar

The Manhunter’s Breeches are exclusively dropped by the super-unique enemy Garbhan Ennai, also known as The Butcher of Cerrigar. Super-uniques belong to an elite class of foes that only appear in specific locations and at particular times of day. To find Garbhan Ennai, venture into The Downs area of the Scosglen region, particularly the Harrowfields, during the dark hours of the night.

To locate him, pay attention to a sign in Cerrigar, the nearest Waypoint to his lair. Use your teleportation powers to warp to Cerrigar and follow the directions indicated on the map above.

Step 2: Vanquish Garbhan Ennai

Upon encountering Garbhan Ennai, prepare yourself for an intense battle to claim his prized Breeches. As a werewolf, he engages in a two-stage fight, undergoing a transformation into his lupine form halfway through. Initially, he behaves akin to the formidable Executioner enemies you’ve encountered before, often utilizing leaping attacks with his axe to close the distance swiftly. To evade damage, you must time your dodges perfectly as he launches into each jump.

In his werewolf form, Ennai becomes slightly easier to combat since he loses his ability to close gaps and metamorphoses into a standard melee adversary. Neither form boasts an overwhelming amount of health, meaning any build specializing in concentrated damage should be able to swiftly emerge victorious.

Step 3: Revel in the Glory of the Manhunter’s Breeches!

How To Get Manhunter's Breeches In Diablo 4 Featured Item

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Once you have exacted your revenge upon The Butcher of Cerrigar, he will relinquish his trademark Breeches for you to claim as your own. These trousers are exclusively reserved for Druids, aligning with their style. The most noteworthy perk they offer is a boost of 1-2 ranks to the Druid skill Rabies. Additionally, they grant a potion speed-enhancement effect, a modest healing bonus, and a damage increase after slaying an elite enemy. However, these effects pale in comparison to the significant benefits they provide for Druids utilizing a Rabies-based build. Keep in mind that a minimum character level of 39 is required to equip these Breeches.

In conclusion, this comprehensive guide has enlightened you on the intricacies of obtaining the coveted Manhunter’s Breeches in Diablo 4. While they may not be the most captivating trousers around, they offer substantial enhancements for Druid players and lend a fitting aesthetic to PvP battles.