Crash Team Rumble Review in Progress

Crash Team Rumble: A Unique and Surprisingly Fun Multiplayer Game

Crash Team Rumble is a team-based, strategic platformer that defies the typical conventions of multiplayer games. Instead of relying on KOing members of the enemy team, players must race to collect 2,000 Wumpa Fruit before their opponents. While this may seem like a strange concept at first, it actually comes together in an incredibly enjoyable way.

In my three hours of gameplay during a pre-release review session, and a few more hours on live servers since the launch, I was able to get a taste of what Crash Team Rumble has to offer. While it’s not enough time to fully grasp the entirety of the game, I did gain a better understanding of the developer’s vision and found myself eager to collect even more Wumpa Fruit.

Team-Based Matches with Iconic Characters

Crash Team Rumble features 4-on-4 matches where teams of iconic Crash Bandicoot characters face off against each other. There are currently eight characters to choose from, each falling into one of three archetypes: Scorers, Blockers, and Boosters.

Scorers, including Crash, Tawna, and Catbat, excel at scoring points. They can hold more Wumpa Fruit than other archetypes, are skilled at fighting off enemies, and possess special movement abilities that make them difficult to catch. Blockers, such as Dingodile, Dr. N. Brio, and Dr. N. Tropy, specialize in preventing opponents from scoring. They have strong offensive capabilities and excel at controlling the playing field. Lastly, Boosters like Coco and Dr. Neo Cortex support their team in unique ways.

Capturing Fights and Ultimate Relic Stations

Boosters play a crucial role in capturing fights, which can turn the tide of a match in an instant. They have the ability to capture Gems, providing a significant scoring boost. Controlling every group of Gems on the map doubles your score, while even capturing an additional 30% makes a huge difference. However, Boosters are not only about capturing Gems.

The ultimate game-changer is when a Booster collects Relics and cashes them in at stage-specific ultimate Relic Stations. These power-ups, found on each of the 10 launch maps, offer enormous rewards. From doubling Wumpa turn-ins to summoning TNT drones or other unique abilities, these Relic Stations add an exciting dynamic to the gameplay.

Adaptation and Team Composition

Crash Team Rumble requires players to make important decisions on the fly during matches. However, selecting the right team composition before a match is just as vital, as it cannot be changed once the game begins. Each character has unique strengths and weaknesses, and finding a balance within the team is essential for success.

While characters have specific specializations, they are not limited to a single role. For example, Dingodile, a Blocker, can still score points due to his ability to quickly collect Wumpa Fruit and hold more than average Blockers or Boosters. Players have the freedom to adapt to different situations and fulfill the most-needed roles.

Power-Ups and Map Design

Every character in Crash Team Rumble has a Power that charges up throughout the match. These Powers can make a significant impact on the outcome of a game. Abilities such as a healing refrigerator, lightning pulses, or long-range attacks can turn the tides in favor of a team.

One aspect that stands out in Crash Team Rumble is its map design. Reminiscent of arena FPS games like Quake or Unreal, the maps feature various levels and require players to utilize their character’s skills to their advantage. Finding the most efficient routes to maximize Wumpa pickups, Gem activation, and score drop-offs is essential for victory.

A Promising Multiplayer Experience

While I still have much more of Crash Team Rumble to explore, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game so far. Its unique multiplayer structure encourages teamwork, strategic play, and rewards players with a deep understanding of the maps. As I continue to delve into the various characters, unlock systems, and master the maps, I eagerly anticipate discovering even more exciting elements within the game. Stay tuned for my final, scored review next week, but until then, I’ll be happily collecting Wumpas.