Stellaris – How to Get Dark Matter

Scientists in our galaxy believe that dark matter makes up 85 percent of all matter in the universe. In the world of Stellaris, understanding how to obtain dark matter is crucial for success.

Dark matter is a valuable strategic resource that cannot be produced by empires. Instead, it must be found and harvested. The challenge lies in locating these resources, but with the right approach, you can begin collecting dark matter.

Well, that was true until the release of the Nemesis DLC. Players who seek to bring total destruction to the galaxy now have their own method of gathering dark matter. Whether you choose to obtain it through traditional means or as the end-game crisis, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know.

Harvesting Dark Matter from Black Holes

In Stellaris, you can harvest dark matter by building mining stations or black hole observatories on Starbases that orbit a black hole. If your empire has become the crisis, you can use Star-Eater ships to destroy stars and gather dark matter.

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How to Get Dark Matter in Stellaris

To acquire dark matter, you’ll need a bit of luck and follow a few steps.

The process involves conducting research and discovering a deposit of dark matter.

The technology you want to research is called “Dark Matter Drawing.” It is an end-game technology that becomes available after unlocking tachyon sensors.

However, this technology will only appear as an option if your empire has a dark matter deposit within its borders.

If you encounter another empire that already possesses a dark matter deposit, the technology may also become available to you. However, if your borders lack any deposits, the technology will be useless to you.

Once you’ve obtained the technology, you’re ready to start harvesting dark matter.

Mining for Dark Matter

There are currently two methods of mining dark matter in Stellaris, both of which require the previously mentioned technology, dark matter drawing.

Mining stations can extract dark matter from deposits, and black hole observatories can also harvest dark matter.

Mining stations offer the most lucrative option. Any black hole you discover has the potential to contain a dark matter deposit. By constructing a mining station around the deposit, you can take advantage of empire mining bonuses and collect a significant amount of dark matter.

Black hole observatories, on the other hand, are buildings that can be constructed on star bases. While dark matter deposits are rare, you can build an observatory on any star base that orbits a black hole. These observatories provide extra physics research and yield one dark matter resource per tick. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to increase this amount in the game.

It’s worth noting that you can build both mining stations and observatories around the same black hole to maximize your dark matter collection.

Destroying Stars for Their Dark Matter

If you choose to become the end-game crisis, a new dark matter harvesting system becomes available to you.

This system involves the use of star eaters, unique ships designed to destroy stars and extract their dark matter.

However, be warned that the rest of the galaxy will not take kindly to your empire’s destructive actions. Becoming the crisis will inevitably lead to violence and potential conflicts as you defend your dark matter extractors.

The amount of dark matter you receive from destroying a star depends on the galaxy size selected at the start of the game, as follows:

  • Tiny – 3000 dark matter
  • Small – 2500 dark matter
  • Medium – 2000 dark matter
  • Large – 1500 dark matter
  • Huge – 1000 dark matter

What is Dark Matter Used For

In Stellaris, dark matter serves as currency for powerful fleet components.

These components include dark matter shields, dark matter thrusters, and dark matter reactors. They provide significant upgrades that are essential for facing fallen empires or the end-game crisis.

If you become the crisis, collecting dark matter allows you to upgrade your unique megastructure called the Aetherophasic Engine. Once completed, this megastructure has the power to destroy the entire galaxy and all life within it. Winning the game becomes possible by completing this project.

This guide has provided you with everything you need to know about obtaining dark matter in Stellaris.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know in the comments section below. Enjoy your journey as you collect and hoard dark matter in Stellaris!