Roman numerals that add to 35 (Rule 9) in the Password Game

Roman Numerals in “The Password Game” Rule 9: A Quick Guide

In the treacherous journey of “The Password Game,” Rule 9 marks the beginning of the insanity. Brace yourself, for it only gets worse from here. However, for now, let’s delve into a concise guide on the Roman numerals that add up to 35, as required by Rule 9.

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The Rule 9 Roman Numerals

Rule 9 of “The Password Game” states that your password’s Roman numerals must multiply to reach 35.

Essentially, this means that when you multiply the Roman numerals together, the result must be 35. Don’t panic just yet; the math will become infinitely harder as the game progresses. But let’s focus on this particular challenge for now.

You have three potential answers to fulfill this rule:

  1. One option is to input 35 itself, which is represented by XXXV.
  2. Alternatively, you can enter 35 x 1, resulting in the combination XXXV and I.
  3. The third possibility is to multiply 7 by 5, giving you the numerals VII and V.

If you choose the latter two options, it’s important to remember to space out the numerals. This is to prevent the game from considering them as a single number and to allow you to progress.

While satisfying this rule at the beginning of the game is relatively straightforward, the challenge lies in adhering to it as you progress. Capitalized C, I, or D are considered very large Roman numerals, which can disrupt your calculations. Additionally, V and I might transform into the periodic table elements Vanadium and Iodine, complicating other rules and requiring additional problem-solving. As a piece of advice, if possible, try to lowercase any letter that transforms into a Roman numeral. It will prove invaluable in escaping this infernal game.