Project Zomboid – How to Open Garage Doors

Opening Garage Doors in Project Zomboid: A Comprehensive Guide

Garage doors in Project Zomboid may pose a challenge if you’re unsure of the proper approach. In this guide, we’ll provide you with tips on how to open garage doors effectively.

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How to Open Garage Doors in Project Zomboid

If you come across garages in Project Zomboid, particularly around houses or residential areas, they are worth exploring as they often contain valuable resources and materials, such as generators.

Let’s explore the four methods to open garage doors:

1. Press “E” or Right-click on the Door

Generally, you can treat the garage door like any other door in the game. Simply approach it and press “E” or right-click on it and select “Open Door”. If the door is unlocked, it will open without any issues. However, if the door shakes but remains closed, you’ll need to find an alternative method.

In this case, your best course of action is to eliminate any nearby zombies and search them for the key. You may also find the key in nearby houses or even trash bins.

2. Climb Through the Window

If accessing the garage through the main door is impossible, try locating any windows around it. Once you find a window, stand next to it and press “E” or right-click on it and select “Open Window”. If these methods don’t work, consider smashing the window. To do so, right-click on it and select “Smash Window”, ensuring you have a weapon equipped to avoid injury.

Once inside the garage, you can proceed to open the garage door from the inside as you would with any other door.

3. Use Melee Weapons

Most melee weapons in the game can be used to damage and destroy the garage door. To do this, right-click on the desired melee weapon in your inventory, select “Equip Primary/In Both Hands”, and proceed to attack the door just as you would attack zombies. Keep in mind that different weapons have varying damage values, so it’s advisable to choose a weapon with higher damage to minimize the time it takes to destroy the door. It typically takes around 20-30 swings with a baseball bat, 6 hits with an axe, or 4 hits with a sledgehammer to destroy the garage door. However, once the door is broken, it cannot be restored, and the garage will no longer provide a safe space.

4. Use Throwables

Throwables can also be used to destroy garage doors in Project Zomboid. Fire bombs and Molotov cocktails are particularly effective thanks to their easy crafting recipes. Fire bombs can be crafted using a bottle, 4 units of gas, and ripped sheets, although this recipe is exclusive to the Engineer occupation. If you didn’t choose Engineer, you can refer to this post for instructions on crafting Molotov cocktails.

To destroy a garage door using throwables, aim and throw them at the door. However, be cautious as fire can spread, so make sure to maintain a safe distance. Once the door is burned, it cannot be used as a secure base. Keep in mind that using weapons or throwables to destroy garage doors generates a lot of noise, which attracts nearby zombies. It’s advisable to clear out the area of zombies before resorting to these methods.

These are the various methods you can employ to open garage doors in Project Zomboid. If you have any additional suggestions or tips, feel free to share them in the comments below.