Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Beginner’s Guide

A new mobile game for Harry Potter fans is ready to cast a spell on you! Warner Bros. has created Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a captivating collectible card game that combines RPG and gacha elements. Whether you’re a devoted follower of the Harry Potter books and games or just a fan of the Wizarding World, you’ll be delighted to know that this game has received rave reviews.

Prepare to embark on a magical journey as you step into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly as a student. Upon arrival, you’ll be sorted into one of the legendary four houses, go on thrilling adventures in the enchanting Forbidden Forest, attend engaging classes, and engage in intense wizard duels through the immersive card battle system. Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is no ordinary game; there are several crucial aspects that you should pay attention to and explore. This beginner’s guide will provide you with a comprehensive overview, covering core mechanics as well as highlighting key activities you should dive into.

Collect Cards to Forge Your Deck

If you’re eager to dive into the game, the first step is to assemble a formidable card deck. Rest assured, there’s no need for superstitious “card of the cards” beliefs here. In Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, cards serve as the foundation of combat. You’ll need a diverse collection of cards to summon allies, cast powerful spells, and summon magical creatures to aid you in duels. Collect cards as you progress in the game, purchase them from the store, or unlock them using keys.

With over 70 distinctive cards available, each offering varying effects and abilities, it’s crucial to create a deck that suits your playstyle. Familiarize yourself with each card’s unique attributes and strategically combine different types that complement each other. Building a well-rounded deck is the key to achieving victory.

Never Neglect Card Upgrades

Amidst the fervor of collecting new cards, it’s easy to forget that you can enhance your existing ones. As you progress through the game, you might be enticed to pursue stronger cards rather than focusing on upgrading your current deck. However, keep in mind that card drops are random, and there’s no guarantee that your next acquisition will surpass what you already possess.

While you wait for rare or superior cards, don’t hesitate to enhance the ones you have. By upgrading duplicates, you can strengthen your cards and make them more impactful in crucial duels. Simply navigate to the deck-building menu and combine duplicates to create a more powerful version. Note that this process requires some coins, but don’t fret—they’re relatively easy to obtain.

Engage in Daily Activities

Don’t overlook the day-to-day activities that offer a plethora of rewards, including cards, gems, gold, and experience points for leveling up your Spell Book. Although you may be engrossed in thrilling duels, allocating time to these activities is crucial for obtaining better cards within the game.

Classes within the game come in the form of mini-games, such as a rhythmic challenge at the Social Club, a strategic tower defense game in Creature Care, and an intriguing Harry Potter-themed trivia game during History of Magic class. Keep in mind that some classes may be restricted during specific times, so plan your gameplay accordingly. I recommend exploring your Class Schedule during your first year, as it will provide a structured experience with NPC classmates. Once you grow more familiar with the game’s mechanics, you can dive into the matchmaking queue to challenge fellow players.

Unveil the Wonders of Hogwarts

If you’ve always yearned to experience the enchantment of Hogwarts, then Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is the game for you. However, even if you’re not a die-hard fan, rest assured, you can still enjoy the game without prior knowledge of the Wizarding World. Immerse yourself in Hogwarts and take the time to explore its vast wonders. Visit classrooms and other points of interest (POIs) and engage in conversations with the NPCs scattered across Hogwarts Castle. These interactions will allow you to delve deeper into the intricate lore and fully appreciate the magical essence of the franchise.

Embrace the Power of Collaboration

Within the Common Rooms, you’ll find fellow players from your house with whom you can interact. Utilize this opportunity to seek assistance, gather tips, and engage in social interactions. If you’re struggling to fine-tune your deck, don’t hesitate to seek guidance on the next steps. Remember, two heads are better than one. While Harry Potter: Magic Awakened may not offer the same level of social interaction as MMOs or other online games, the community aspect should not be overlooked.