A Plague Tale 3 Could Be in Early Development, as per Job Ads

A Plague Tale 3 Reportedly in Development

It has been nearly a year since the release of A Plague Tale: Requiem, and recent rumors suggest that a third installment in the series is already in the works. According to information found on Asobo Studio’s LinkedIn profile, the development of A Plague Tale 3 is currently in its early stages. Let’s dive into the details below.

Evidence points to Early Development of A Plague Tale 3

Asobo Studio, the developers behind the A Plague Tale series, is currently hiring new talent. However, it remains unclear if the positions are intended for expanding the second chapter, A Plague Tale: Requiem, or if they are intended for the creation of a spin-off or another main game within the series (possibly A Plague Tale 3).

As of now, the saga consists of two chapters: A Plague Tale: Innocence (2019) and A Plague Tale: Requiem (2022). However, the studio has expressed its willingness to continue the adventure if the second chapter proves successful, leaving room for speculation about a new project in development.

With just over 250 employees, Asobo Studio has reopened their recruitment process in order to expedite the development of the highly anticipated Microsoft Flight Simulator, set to release in 2024, as well as create new A Plague Tale-related content. The job postings for special effects artists, senior game designers, AI programmers, and senior gameplay animators specifically for A Plague Tale-themed content strongly suggest that something new is indeed in the works.

The story of Amicia and Hugo concluded in A Plague Tale: Requiem, but it is entirely possible that Asobo Studio is either working on a DLC or planning to explore new chapters with fresh protagonists, further expanding the game’s captivating world.

It is important to note that while the signs seem to indicate a new installment in the series, neither Microsoft nor Asobo Studio has officially confirmed these rumors. Therefore, it is essential to approach this information with a hint of skepticism until official announcements are made.
