How to find the Common Flax Fiber in Undawn

How to Obtain Common Flax Fibers in Undawn

In Undawn, gathering materials is essential for building bases and upgrading weapons. One of these important items is the Common Flax Fiber. Here’s a guide on how to acquire it.

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Fortunately, obtaining Common Flax Fibers in Undawn is relatively easy. Simply venture outside of your homestead and explore the Redwood area. You’ll find these fibers scattered on the ground, distinguishable by their distinct blue color.

To collect the Common Flax Fibers, approach them and make sure there are no zombies lurking nearby. Press and hold the “F” key to harvest the fibers. As the name suggests, Common Flax Fibers are abundant, so you shouldn’t have much trouble finding them. Remember, you won’t find any plants to harvest inside your base, so you’ll need to venture into the untamed wilderness of Undawn.

After harvesting the Common Flax Fibers, you can find them in your backpack. They can be used immediately or stored for future use. It’s worth noting that not every flower will yield Common Flax Fibers when harvested. It is a rare drop, so you may need to harvest multiple plants before obtaining it. Sometimes, you may only receive the seeds. Keep persevering, and your hard work will eventually pay off.