How to unlock the Warlock in Halls of Torment

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Halls of Torment offers a diverse set of characters with powerful attacks and skills. Among them, the Warlock stands out for its ability to effortlessly decimate enemy lines. This guide will show you how to unlock the formidable Warlock in Halls of Torment.

Halls of Torment – Unlocking the Warlock

The Warlock is considered one of the more challenging characters to unlock due to the relentless stage it appears in, capable of overwhelming your defenses. To unlock the Warlock, you need to defeat the Wyrm Queen boss near the end of the Ember Grounds area.

Halls Of Torment Battling Wyrm Queen In Ember Grounds

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The Ember Grounds stage is easily accessible early in the campaign. However, mastering it will require investing a considerable amount of time. The enemies here are resilient, unlike those encountered in the Haunted Caverns area. The Wyrm Queen herself possesses formidable armor, making her impervious to weaker attacks.

To emerge victorious against the Wyrm Queen, I recommend prioritizing piercing traits and enhancing your main weapon’s attack output. Additionally, you must be capable of handling the mobs that surround her. Strengthening your Block abilities is advisable since there will be more projectiles flying around than usual. The Wyrm Queen follows a predictable pattern and tends to encircle you, aiming to crush you within her domain. Keep moving, taking advantage of any openings the mobs create. Equipping the Collar of Confidence will boost your attacks in the presence of numerous mobs, while the Ruby Circlet provides a similar advantage when enemies catch fire.

Halls Of Torment Summon Golem With Warlock

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Once you gain access to the Warlock, you’ll discover that it attacks enemies with homing projectiles that can carve through multiple targets in a line. Enhancing their speed and duration allows you to constantly have several projectiles in motion. However, these projectiles are less effective at dealing with threats in close proximity. To compensate, you can summon a golem that rolls around the area inflicting damage upon enemies. Upgrade your stone ally so that it becomes a formidable force alongside you.

Halls of Torment is available for purchase on Steam.