Jam City tackles DC with Heroes & Villains puzzle RPG game | Pocket Gamer.biz

Jam City Releases DC Heroes & Villains Puzzle RPG Game on iOS and Android

Jam City, a prominent game developer, is preparing for the full launch of its latest title, DC Heroes & Villains. This free-to-play puzzle RPG game features famous characters from the DC Universe such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, and their respective villains like the Joker and Lex Luthor. The game not only showcases the beloved superheroes and villains but also offers a unique narrative-based and immersive mobile gaming experience.

In collaboration with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC, Jam City aims to expand its collection of beloved free-to-play games with the release of DC Heroes & Villains. This partnership with DC, one of the most prestigious entertainment brands globally, further solidifies Jam City’s dedication to delivering high-quality mobile gaming experiences.

What makes the release of DC Heroes & Villains even more notable is Jam City’s collaboration with Sandsoft Games to bring the game to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) market. Sandsoft Games, CEO David Fernández expressed excitement about this partnership and the opportunity to introduce a game featuring iconic characters like Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman to MENA audiences.

Expanding into the MENA Market

The popularity of DC in the MENA region may not be fully known, but the universally recognized nature of these comics suggests a ready audience. Regardless of the existing fanbase, developers and publishers are increasingly considering the MENA market. Jam City’s decision to enter this market showcases their recognition of its potential and contributes to their ranking on the Top 50 Game Makers of 2022 list.