How to find and use Forged Iron in Remnant 2

Where to Find Forged Iron in Remnant 2

If you want to upgrade your weapons from +5 to +10 in Remnant 2, you’re going to need a significant amount of Forged Iron. However, finding this resource can be a challenge due to the procedural generation of the game. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about locating Forged Iron and utilizing it effectively.

Forged Iron can be obtained by defeating enemies and opening chests throughout Remnant 2. As you progress through the game, you’ll naturally come across a decent amount of Forged Iron. However, it’s important to note that the game only drops Forged Iron when it determines that you need it.

For instance, if your inventory is full of weapons that have not been upgraded, you will primarily receive Iron drops since that’s the resource you currently require. However, as you start upgrading your weapons and require Forged Iron, you’ll notice that this material becomes more common throughout the game. The same pattern applies to the next level of material as well.

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Fortunately, you have some control over gathering Forged Iron. After finding your initial supply, Cass will start offering Forged Iron for 30 Scrap. Although she may not have a large quantity available at once, this option allows you to quickly acquire the resource if needed.

How to Use Forged Iron

Forged Iron is primarily used for crafting and upgrading weapons and armor with Rigs in Remnant 2. It’s essential to continuously upgrade your equipment by using Forged Iron, rather than saving it for a secret reward later in the game.

Remnant 2 Forged Iron 2

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If you’re interested in particular weapons that require a larger amount of Forged Iron for upgrades, consider saving some of it for those instances. For example, the Cube Gun demands a significant quantity of Forged Iron due to its immense power. This means that you might have to prioritize improving the Cube Gun over upgrading other weapons, as difficult choices are a fundamental aspect of Soulslike games. Of course, all of this becomes less meaningful if you’re not satisfied with your Archetype selection. Be sure to check out our comprehensive ranking of each Archetype in Remnant 2 for more information.