Revenant’s reworked abilities in Apex Legends Season 18 are more accessible than ever

Screenshot via Respawn Entertainment

Revenant’s Revamped Abilities in Apex Legends Season 18

Apex Legends is a game that is constantly evolving. Sticking to one strategy or playstyle can lead to failure. Each season brings changes to the game, from the maps to the weapons, necessitating a shift in how you approach the battle royale. Season 18 of Apex Legends introduces a significant alteration — the rework of Revenant’s abilities to make him more accessible. Previously, Revenant had a challenging playstyle, which resulted in lower popularity. These reworks aim to make the bloodthirsty robot easier to play. If you regularly choose Revenant as your legend, be prepared for a major shift in the meta and consider reading this guide to adapt to the changes.

Revenant’s New Class: Skirmisher

Due to his considerable changes, Revenant has been placed in a new class called Skirmisher. He transitions from being an Assault Legend to joining ranks with characters like Horizon and Mirage.

Now, let’s examine the specific alterations made to this blood-crazed robot:

Assassin’s Instinct (Passive Ability)

One of the standout abilities in the game, Assassin’s Instinct, has received improvement. When an enemy nearby has low health, you will be alerted. Additionally, Revenant can now crouch walk faster and climb walls more quickly. His climbing ability has been salvaged and enhanced for the new season.

Shadow Pounce (Tactical Ability)

Shadow Pounce adds an element of excitement to playing Revenant and enhances his mobility. You can leap at enemies in front of you, and by holding the charge, you can cover greater distances. Some players have discovered that looking up while using this ability increases the leap’s range.

Forged Shadow (Ultimate Ability)

Forged Shadow is likely to become a frequently used ultimate ability for Revenant. Upon activation, a shadow envelops you, providing extra protection, allowing for more aggressive combat. The best part is that every time you eliminate an enemy, the ability recharges until the timer expires. Overall, this ultimate ability makes Revenant much easier to utilize.

Apex Legends Revenant(1)

Screenshot via Respawn Entertainment

Season 18 of Apex Legends promises to bring significant changes compared to past seasons. Unlike minor additions such as zip lines in previous seasons, this time there will be a lot happening. With Revenant’s gameplay modifications, expect to encounter him more frequently on the battlefield.