The expert’s guide to modern mobile games PR | Pocket

Good PR – public relations – has always been a valuable tool in achieving success. PR involves raising the visibility of a business by delivering a well-crafted message to a target audience through selected media channels. However, many people mistakenly believe that PR departments in gaming companies only handle communication with players. In reality, in today’s gaming market, a successful PR campaign can have a much broader impact.

A Marathon, Not a Sprint

If you want to utilize PR tools effectively, you need to be prepared for a marathon rather than a sprint. It’s important to understand that PR takes time and effort. Many companies make the mistake of giving up on their PR activities after a few months without seeing immediate results. However, PR is a long-term strategy that involves giving people the time to learn about your company, develop an understanding of what you offer, and share their positive experiences with others.

It’s important to note that PR is focused on creating emotions and feelings in people when they hear about your brand. These intangible results are difficult to measure in numbers. Instead, you can gauge the effectiveness of your PR campaign by paying attention to the opinions and perceptions of your partners and users over time.

The Benefits of PR

There are several ways in which PR can benefit your business. Firstly, it enhances the visibility and recognition of your brand. By creating informative articles and posts for various media platforms, you can attract people to test your product or at least increase awareness about your company and its offerings. This allows you to build a closer connection with your audience and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

Secondly, PR helps in building trust. By sharing articles about your company’s areas of expertise, showcasing your successful projects, and discussing your products, you can foster loyalty and positive emotions towards your brand among both users and potential employees.

Thirdly, PR influences the perception of your company by partners and investors. These stakeholders are interested in finding information about your work beyond the basic “About Us” page on your website. They rely on confirmed cases and testimonials from third-party sources such as media outlets and influencers to make informed decisions about collaborating with your company.

The Power of the Media

Publishing high-quality articles in media outlets serves as a strong endorsement of your expertise to players, potential employees, partners, and investors. It is crucial to be honest and transparent because any breach of trust can have serious consequences for your business. By highlighting the stories of your experienced professionals and evoking positive emotions, PR creates a strong bond between your audience and your brand.

Additionally, effective crisis management is a crucial aspect of PR. In today’s fast-paced digital world, bad news can spread rapidly and impact your revenue, user base, and brand loyalty. It is essential to proactively communicate any changes or challenges your company is facing to maintain trust and control the narrative. By being proactive, you can avoid potentially damaging leaks and safeguard your business.

Lastly, PR can also be used for policy influence. Rather than directly promoting your products or company, you can discuss market trends, explain relevant phenomena, and position your business as a solution. This approach creates an information field that prepares the audience for your product or company, ensuring it is perceived in the way you intend.

Measuring PR Success

Traditionally, companies measure PR success by counting the number of articles published about their business. However, it’s important to consider other metrics for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of PR activities. One such metric is website traffic, including the number of visitors to your website and landing pages as a result of your press releases. Monitoring download spikes is especially relevant for mobile game studios, as major marketing campaigns can cause a significant increase in downloads.

Measuring intangible aspects of PR, such as the overall message and tone, can be challenging. Analyzing published materials in media outlets can provide insights into the frequency and placement of certain messages and the overall perception of your company or news event.

The most gratifying PR metric is the feedback from partners and employees. When a publication mentions their contribution to a successful project, it increases loyalty and boosts morale. Building a reputation as a well-known and respected company encourages both employee retention and attraction.

The Power of Effective PR

Some people mistakenly believe that excessive PR activities can lead to negative reactions. However, professionals argue that this is not the case. The success of a PR campaign lies in its execution and target audience. When done effectively, PR can generate interest and attract a wider audience.

Interestingly, PR doesn’t always require a huge budget. Instead, it relies on specialists who know how to cultivate relationships with journalists and effectively pitch your product or company to the public. With the right channel selection and a deep understanding of your product, PR can help you attract users, partners, and investors.

In conclusion, a well-executed PR campaign can have a significant impact on the success and revenue of a gaming company. By utilizing various PR tools and strategies, businesses can raise their brand’s visibility, build trust, manage crises effectively, and influence industry trends. Measuring the success of PR activities involves considering both tangible metrics and intangible factors, such as feedback from partners and employees. Ultimately, PR plays a crucial role in attracting attention and engaging the audience.

About ZiMAD.

ZiMAD is an international mobile game developer and publisher. The company specializes in creating innovative and engaging games for players worldwide. With a commitment to quality and excellence, ZiMAD continues to deliver exciting gaming experiences to its growing user base.